My wife and I never had an appetite for investing. The last year we both worked, we earned a combined salary of about $150K. We are now both retired, with a combined net worth over $1.5M. Our money is either in the house (paid-off), US savings bonds, banks, or my 401(k) account (that was always in the fixed income fund). We primarily live off of our social security and retirement pensions, with about $1K a month left over, that we wind-up putting-in... our savings account. The goal is to leave the assets to the surviving spouse when the household monthly retirement income drops by half.
So, while we definitely left money off the table, we also never had the stress of worrying about what the market is going to do. We saved more than enough to be blessed with a good retirement. If I'm the one that passes-away first, my wife is frugal enough that other than for upcoming RMDs, she would never have to tap into the 401(k).
The trump card of course, is increasing medical expenses and the possibility of elderly care. And that being said, if we were to get our feet wet in investing, where would we even start?
I just had this GE washer/dryer tower plugged in yesterday. Washer seems working fine but the Dryer kept running all night until this morning I manually turned the knob to off. I thought it would shut off automatically. And when I opened the drum, it was just warm inside. It's my first time using this, is it normal?
It was purchased brand new from Costco.
Woke up with itching sensation in throat and eyes. Looks like the air quality today has suddenly plunged. Anyone else feeling the same ? What's going on, namma ooru is never like this.
Not with the first pick, but I'm thinking we'll probably take a real look at WH, especially with Chip in the room. Watched his highlights. Looks like he excels at those down the sideline throws and curls, is decently mobile while still keeping his eyes down field, and knows who is open, but I saw a few long balls down the middle to guys wide open just dying in the air that were kind of alarming, and OSU has elite receivers that had a lot of separation. Any OSU fans or college ball people have any opinions?
There are only two exits, try to find another exit because this one is blind right now or enter the small cave risking Liard catching you.
(I only thought of doing this dynamic to think about how my oc would fight and see what decision your oc make)

When should I be worried?
I (28F, 147 lbs) am currently on Zepbound and have been for about 6 months. I had some blood work yesterday as I am preparing for a tonsillectomy on Tuesday.
I am a little bit worried about some of the results. I know I haven’t been eating enough due to the Zepbound, and I am wondering what levels I should be looking for to check for malnutrition or kidney problems.
I am also concerned that I should postpone my surgery as some of the levels were kind of low. I’m not a doctor so I don’t know if these are normal or concerning- I wish I could include screenshots of the results.
I am ready to end my journey with this medication but I’m worried I’m not healthy right now.
Any help would be incredibly appreciated.
Alright yall, one day my girl and I were on the couch chilling and she’s watching this show where this guy who looks like he listens to My Chemical Romance started insulting the mayor and low key roasting him and I’m like “damn that dude is cold asf” then immediately afterwards he snaps a guys neck and I’m like.. scud wtf are you watching. Turns out that was Damon bruh. He’s a fuckin real one. With that, I watched every episode w my girl n got mad when she would watch without me. I’m not a sophisticated fan or whatever, I’m very casual and dumb, but here are my takeaways
- Damon is cold as Jack Frosts breath and my favorite scene of his is when he’s drankin that liquor while making pancakes when him and Bonnie was trapped in 1994 or whatever. Song was a fuckin banger and he was lit. Definitely the cool brother like I’d hang upside down with him and shit
-I read a little bit on this subreddit before posting and I hate to say that to the average person who takes what they see and runs with it, Tyler sucks cow c*ck bruh. Dude has Klaus’ d*ck in his mouth 24/7 and always acting like a lil dweeb and that’s why his girlfriend end up smashing Klaus and falling in love with him even after he left to be King of Bourbon St. But that’s what his ass gets. Dude is a polished turd.
-Matt is so boring and a bootlicker bruh I ain’t even gonna waste my time talking about that lame. he killed his wife smh
-Stephen was cookin w Crisco when he was a d*ckhead like bro had bars, he was on par w Damon fam I was shocked but then he turned into the dude you’d think about if you was looking out your window and listening to a Justin Bieber song in 2014. Dude was cornier than ethanol in Iowa fam. Still solid tho, still smashed Caroline (f*ck you Tyler) and still was great to his brother
-Klaus. The number one character in all of television. My glorious king. Aura’d his way into his own show, beating all the odds like a fucking prime John Cena. Dude stole an entire city from a guy he practically raised, got payback on him for turning his sister out for 2 million years, then reluctantly agreed to father a child he had after clapping sum werewolf cheeks in a swamp. Talk about GOAT.
-Elena cry too damn much. If I was her, I’d get plastic surgery to get the doppelgänger infatuation off my case. She bugged me a lot but oh well, she ran the damn show.
-Bonnie was low key the best woman on the show that stood for good. Her ass was a real good friend to everyone she was around, and Enzo is perfect for her bro. Even tho Enzo tried to clap mama Salvatore’s cheeks which is diabolical, but he got the W in the end. Bonnie is a real one.
-Sybil… *chefs kiss*
-Ketsiyah… *chefs kiss with tongue*
-Kai… bro, you’re f*ckin annoying and it’s not cuz your character is so good. You couldn’t have picked a more unconvincingly evil role for anybody, goddamn this one went on way too long. Not gonna sit and complain though. Dude was dog sh*t
-Alaric was literally the guy who sat in the corner and watched you f*ck his wife. What a cuck. No offense cuz it is what it is, but bro you forced your surrogate to marry you or be your partner, whatever, then go move to Texas or some sh*t where Stephen came by like an old school silver tongued devil, rizzing up your girl. I wish more college professors took heed of this warning tho.. Don’t get your students pregnant cuz their deeply insecure brother will be a dipsh*t at your wedding and kill your former student/babymama/fiance. The whole ordeal was just annoying as f*ck. Alaric is a creep and single-handedly the reason why the most annoying villain in the whole series was so prominent. Keep it in your pants next time, douchebag.
Now we’re watching The Originals and I ain’t gon lie to yall.. I’m glad I watched Vampire Diaries first. The characters in this show, and the acting in this show are so fucking good and I’m way more immersed in it. Maybe is cuz I already watched Vampires Diary but if I watched in the reverse order I feel like I wouldn’t appreciate it the way I appreciate The Originals. The originals doesn’t have as many annoying characters (Alaric, Matt, Tyler, Kai) and the needle is constantly moving so far. Anyways I’m sorry yall. Not here to argue but that’s my experience.
So long story short, Legion Space stopped working. Shortly after that, my AMD driver software disappeared, though under task manager showed it running. It was as if the graphics driver had been removed, but was still glitching out and running in the background. Did a clean wipe of whatever drivers still existed on the system, uninstalled legion space. Tried to reinstall the drivers, it would say install was complete, I'd do a restart, and still no drivers. Tried several other things but got so irritated I just opted to use Bazzite instead moving forward. I don't understand what is going on, whether Lenovo is at fault or what, but come on man.
Anyway, I decided to just do a complete wipe of Windows, so hopefully it'll work until an update breaks it again (I have a feeling a driver may have broke the software, I don't know).
Anyone else having issues with the drivers?
Throwaway account
Me (23m) and this girl (23f) are somewhat good friends and we've already established that we aren't romantically into each other. But she I think she's giving me signals for wanting to get intimate, and I can't lie, I'm interested. My question is, how do I ask about it? Do I just say "Hey, would you be interested in having sex?" cus that just sounds weird.